Bibel Quran Dan Sains Modern Pdf

Bibel Quran Dan Sains Modern Pdf Average ratng: 7,8/10 4455 votes
  1. Bibel Quran Dan Sains Modern Pdf 2017

There's so many books out there regarding science in Islam but usually they just don't go into enough depth for me. As a revert to Islam I spent many years researching, questioning, debating different religions. I was often told the Quran revealed scientific matters that weren't even known then.BUT sadly I don't read Arabic and the English translations of the Quran really don't show how clear this really is.The first section of the book shows how the Bible has been changed and ad Wow! There's so many books out there regarding science in Islam but usually they just don't go into enough depth for me.

As a revert to Islam I spent many years researching, questioning, debating different religions. I was often told the Quran revealed scientific matters that weren't even known then.BUT sadly I don't read Arabic and the English translations of the Quran really don't show how clear this really is.The first section of the book shows how the Bible has been changed and added to. How things scientifically are false. I did read this fully but to be honest after studying the bible, most of this I already knew so found it rather boring.

ENSIKLOPEDI ISLAM, HEADLINE, KHAZANAH, QURAN AL MU'ASIR, Wakaf Al Qur'an Air Dalam Al Quran Dan Sains, air dalam perspektif al-qur'an dan sains, al qur'an bible dan sains modern, al quran berbicara tentang sains dan teknologi, al quran bertentangan dengan sains, al quran bicara sains, Al Quran Bukan Buku Sains, al quran dan penemuan sains, al quran dan sains, Al Quran Dan Sains Alam Cakerawala.

However I loved the comparison between the bible and Quran. Now the next bit regarding the science in the Quran actually blew my mind! The reason being this book actually describes in detail the various meanings of the Arabic words and this actually is a BIG DEAL. It shows categorically that scientific matters unknown at that time are WITHOUT A DOUBT in the Quran. Not just Muslims seeing what they want to see. I defy anyone to read this book and not be astounded!

Yes its not always an easy read but definitely worth the effort! A Christian pointing out flaws in the bible and defending Islam? What a surprise!Anyway. I read it 6 years ago (when I was 15 and obsessed with Islam)and reread it today.

This book examines the bible and the Quran in the scientific context, and bases the book on the claim that the bible has been adulterated and contains scientific fallacies, while the Quran is in its original form and does not seem to contradict Science.The book is categorically divided into a variety of prophecies and scientifi A Christian pointing out flaws in the bible and defending Islam? What a surprise!Anyway. I read it 6 years ago (when I was 15 and obsessed with Islam)and reread it today. This book examines the bible and the Quran in the scientific context, and bases the book on the claim that the bible has been adulterated and contains scientific fallacies, while the Quran is in its original form and does not seem to contradict Science.The book is categorically divided into a variety of prophecies and scientific facts that are presented as true in these two scriptures.Now, my issue with this book is that despite it being very well-written and backed by his research, religious scriptures are all INTERPRETED. They do not have EXPLICIT VERSES that state things like 'the world is made of atoms' or 'evolution exists'. All of it has to be INFERRED from the verses, and thus you always have to wonder how much Bucaille is reading into the scientific facts he is uncovering in the scriptures.

I can't say anything about the biblical fallacies. There are countless amongst them.Examples:1.

Astronomy in the Quran- 'God is the one who created the night and the day, the sun and the moon. Each one is traveling in an orbit with its own motion.' Bucaille interpretes this as a sure sign that the Quran knew about planetary orbits through times when people thought they stood still. He claims nobody of that time could have imagined it.However, from a simplistic point of view, the people of that time clearly saw the sun and moon moving across the skies. It could just mean that.2. Evolution in Quran- 'We made from water every living thing.' Bucaille interprets this as knowledge that life evolved from single-cell organisms in water, as per science.However, once again, water is seen as a source of life due to its importance to the human body.

And every living thing needs water.3. Formation of the Universe and Multiple EarthsLet me give you an example involving excerpts. On page 136, the book quotes the Quran (verses 9-12 sura 41) as saying'.Moreover he turned to heaven when it was smoke and said to it and the earth: come willingly or unwillingly! They said: we come in willing obedience.Then He ordained them seven heavens in two periods, and He assigned to each heaven its mandate by Revelation. And we adorned the lower heaven with luminaries and provided it a guard.' Bucaille states from this that the quran is referring to 'the initially gaseous state of celestial matter', claiming 'this is how the word smoke (dukan) must be interpreted'.Then he says that 'The Greeks and Romans have also used the number 7 to mean an undefined idea of plurality' (there are no sources or explanation cited here) and from this, states that the number 7 means 'many'.

He further goes on to say that this means the Quran is referring to multiple planet Earths, each of which received a revelation. ('Since 7 indicates plurality (as we have seen), it is possible to conclude that the Quranic text clearly indicates the existence of more than one single Earth' pg 141)I don't know about you guys, but that seems to be stretching it. I'd also like to mention that Bucaille talks about his claims as possible conclusions, not as facts.Anyway, to conclude, it's an interesting book, but it can make no definitive claims. Give it a read.

But don't expect shocking divine revelations. If you approach it with an open mind you may sometimes be mildly surprised at what's presented to you. This book took me a while to finish.


I was first reading an ebook version on this before finding a hardcopy of it and had never found anything much like was quite heavy with academic words, with regards of being a religious and scientific-based reading.A tough work on my small brain.This was a book t.hat touches the fundemental of religious teaching, about Revelations, holy scriptures that had been for generations formed the base of two major religion in the world. Christianity and This book took me a while to finish. I was first reading an ebook version on this before finding a hardcopy of it and had never found anything much like was quite heavy with academic words, with regards of being a religious and scientific-based reading.A tough work on my small brain.This was a book t.hat touches the fundemental of religious teaching, about Revelations, holy scriptures that had been for generations formed the base of two major religion in the world. Very disappointed with this book. The book was recommended to me by a friend who comes from a muslim background who has been interested in understanding christianity and the bible.

Rather than an even-handed examination of these two religious scriptures, I found a book filled with bias and misinformation. The author clearly wrote the book to demonstrate how the quran is superior to the bible. I often found the analysis at best, superficial, and at worse using fallacious logic. FI found that the Very disappointed with this book. The book was recommended to me by a friend who comes from a muslim background who has been interested in understanding christianity and the bible. Rather than an even-handed examination of these two religious scriptures, I found a book filled with bias and misinformation.

The author clearly wrote the book to demonstrate how the quran is superior to the bible. I often found the analysis at best, superficial, and at worse using fallacious logic. FI found that the analysis of the Bible was rooted in the high criticism tradition of the late 19th century which was built on assumptions which have been demonstrated to be faulty in the last 100 years, but seem to hang on in some academic circles. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers.

Bibel Quran Dan Sains Modern Pdf 2017

To view it,It seems that the book to clear his name of scientific comparison. So to speak of the Koran with the Torah and the Gospel. The first part contains the Torah and scientific contradictions and some of the contradictions is not acceptable, as well as followed by the second part, the Bible talks about Oll contradictions and things can not be reconciled with modern science, the thing that makes it really distorted and not sincere download my God. Morris Koran has studied scientifically without prec It seems that the book to clear his name of scientific comparison. So to speak of the Koran with the Torah and the Gospel. The first part contains the Torah and scientific contradictions and some of the contradictions is not acceptable, as well as followed by the second part, the Bible talks about Oll contradictions and things can not be reconciled with modern science, the thing that makes it really distorted and not sincere download my God.

Morris Koran has studied scientifically without preconceived ideas of what, in spite of the campaign is an attempt to tarnish the image of the Holy Quran in a very great time, but the desire to search for the truth by himself, and this work Galilee. I also believe that the combination of the mercy of God Maurice King Faisal, often encouraged him to look at the Koran, depending on the positive image that was imprinted in his mind King Faisal talk about the Koran and science in particular. In the third section talks about the verses and the approval of the miracle of modern science what it says, and the book is a scientific center, talks about the creation of the heavens and the earth, water, gas and astronomy in practice. I have found some difficulty. The book works as a weapon, especially for those who have a lot of relationships and friction with non-Muslims have the wrong ideas, and this sponsor the book will give strong arguments are based on a scientific basis, - which of course is what drives the Western mind more than any other country -. I often wonder, in spite of the material and the age of science, which passes by the West, but find strange and adult book and other scientists gather around the Gospel texts which Aaqublha logic At the same time accuses the Koran charges blindly. It's actually Atamy the horizon, but their hearts in the breasts.

The book was nominated for the Friends of the non-Muslims who have some form of understanding with the Koran or you do not have. Aagheroh increasingly satisfied even if you lack confidence. Personally, I feel that the book Masal scientifically and professionally, but I'm not a favorite book p least for the moment. Despite the important role played by Morris through this book to explain the mysterious things about the Koran when the Western community. Translation of the book wrong. I did not feel they were good translator at all. Difficult in the first part I can not understand much talked about at length when the Gospels and the ratios of Jesus, and I think that the translation of a great role in it.

Regarding the specific amount of science in the Bible and the Quran, this is not what I was expecting from a book claiming to be about science. The author gets overly verbose regarding the scientific validity of concepts in the Bible/Quran. I grew tired of reading it.Rather than an even-handed examination of these two religious scriptures, I found a book filled with bias and misinformation. The book very blatantly argues that the Qu'ran is much more scientifically valid than the Bible. I often Regarding the specific amount of science in the Bible and the Quran, this is not what I was expecting from a book claiming to be about science.

The author gets overly verbose regarding the scientific validity of concepts in the Bible/Quran. I grew tired of reading it.Rather than an even-handed examination of these two religious scriptures, I found a book filled with bias and misinformation. The book very blatantly argues that the Qu'ran is much more scientifically valid than the Bible. I often found the analysis at best, superficial, and at worse using fallacious logic.The analysis of the Bible was rooted in the high criticism under detailed historical scrutiny. The part dealing with the Qu'ran is however very disappointing!

Bibel Quran Dan Sains Modern PdfPdf

The author simply does NOT treat it with the same rigour as he did with the bible, which makes this book extremely biased. The author clearly wrote the book just to demonstrate how the Quran is superior to the Bible. Here, muslims are seeing what they want to see.I would like to read criticism of the Quran, not necessarily as compared to the Bible and the Old Testament. The explanations and proofs clearly show how 'The Holy Quran' had been way ahead of the time it descended on earth.

And why shouldn't had it been? Since it wasn't written by any human being but the Almighty ALLAH himself?The creation of the earth, the universe, the humankind, and animals, the reasons behind them and so on which were written are scientifically proven only years ago whereas the Quran explained them 1400 years ago.The facts and proofs are amazing. The modern knowledge Tremendous!! The explanations and proofs clearly show how 'The Holy Quran' had been way ahead of the time it descended on earth. And why shouldn't had it been?

Since it wasn't written by any human being but the Almighty ALLAH himself?The creation of the earth, the universe, the humankind, and animals, the reasons behind them and so on which were written are scientifically proven only years ago whereas the Quran explained them 1400 years ago.The facts and proofs are amazing. The modern knowledge has been evidently indebted to 'The Holy Quran' for so many years. Some takeaways:- During the time the Quran was revealed, not everyone could read/write, but everyone was capable of reciting. The way in which the Quran was recited, was able to make it easier to everyone to memorize it, thus ensuring its preservation over the years.- The fact that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was illiterate and was able to recite such as literary masterpiece (that still baffles Arabic literary scholars today) negates the argument that he wrote it. Also, he was able Some takeaways:- During the time the Quran was revealed, not everyone could read/write, but everyone was capable of reciting. The way in which the Quran was recited, was able to make it easier to everyone to memorize it, thus ensuring its preservation over the years.- The fact that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was illiterate and was able to recite such as literary masterpiece (that still baffles Arabic literary scholars today) negates the argument that he wrote it.

Also, he was able to convey the Message piece by piece over the course of about 23 years- and never made any contradictions as well as made scientifically accurate statements that were not discovered until relatively recently.- In the Quran, it says Allah created the heavens and the earth in six days. In the Biblical interpretation, they believe it is literally six solar days.

While in the Quran, the Arabic word for 'days' is actually used as 'periods'- where one 'day' could be 50,000 years (or something other amount of time).- also fun fact: the word 'day' and 'night' in the Quran are each mentioned exactly 365 times.- In the Quran, it mentions the universe is expanding (51:47)- this was relatively recently discovered by scientists today.- 'In view of the state of knowledge in Muhammad's (pbuh) day, it is inconceivable that many of the statements in the Qur'an which are connected with science could have been the work of a man.' 269)- 'It is, moreover, perfectly legitimate, not only to regard the Qur'an as the expression of a Revelation, but also to award it a very special place on account of the guarantee of authenticity it provides and the presence in it of scientific statements which, when studied today, appearas a challene to human explanation.'

269)- Maurice Bucaille (the author) became a Muslim. I have mixed feelings about this book.

My favorite part hands down was the detailed background on the origins of the Gospels; but that's not what I was expecting from a book claiming to be about science.In my humble opinion, the author seems to get overly excited (or is overly verbose) regarding the scientific validity of concepts in the Bible/Qu'ran. I suppose this is a necessary evil of thoroughly documenting his argument, though. What he points out is valid, and he makes a compelling case, bu I have mixed feelings about this book. My favorite part hands down was the detailed background on the origins of the Gospels; but that's not what I was expecting from a book claiming to be about science.In my humble opinion, the author seems to get overly excited (or is overly verbose) regarding the scientific validity of concepts in the Bible/Qu'ran. I suppose this is a necessary evil of thoroughly documenting his argument, though.

What he points out is valid, and he makes a compelling case, but I grew tired of reading it. My advice for anyone reading this is: don't set your hopes too high regarding the specific amount of science in the Bible and the Qu'ran.The book very blatantly argues that the Qu'ran is much more scientifically valid than the Bible. AI'm tempted to say, 'I'd be very curious to read a Christian apologetics's rebuttal.' But I'm afraid it would also tax my attention span in the same way.I would love to make a Cliff Note's version of this book, though, and give that to my friends to read.:).

This is an interesting book which intends to verify the Qur'an and the Bible in the light of scientific facts and observations.Quoting the book, 'We cannot, after all, accept a Divine Revelation making statements which are totally inaccurate. There was only one way of logically reconciling the two; it lay in not considering a passage containing unacceptable scientific data to be genuine. This solution was not adopted. Instead, the integrity of the text was stubbornly maintained and experts were This is an interesting book which intends to verify the Qur'an and the Bible in the light of scientific facts and observations.Quoting the book, 'We cannot, after all, accept a Divine Revelation making statements which are totally inaccurate. There was only one way of logically reconciling the two; it lay in not considering a passage containing unacceptable scientific data to be genuine. This solution was not adopted. Instead, the integrity of the text was stubbornly maintained and experts were obliged to adopt a position on the truth of the Biblical Scriptures which, for the scientist, is hardly tenable.'

While admitting that the Bible has been written by the hands of many different scribes throughout the history and changed time and again according to the needs, the author realizes that the Qur'an has remained unchanged and, unlike the bible, scientifically stable!The book also rejects Muslim 'Hadith' literature as unauthentic! I liked the part dealing with the old then the new testaments not only from a scientific perspective but also under detailed historical scrutiny. The part dealing with the quran is however very disappointing!

Fifa 16 yf vfr,er. N/A.

The author simply does NOT treat it with the same rigour as he did with the bible, which makes this book extremely biased. I suspect the only reason why this book is so highly rated is that most of its readers are Muslim sympathisers.I only give it 2 stars because of the part dealing wit I liked the part dealing with the old then the new testaments not only from a scientific perspective but also under detailed historical scrutiny. The part dealing with the quran is however very disappointing! The author simply does NOT treat it with the same rigour as he did with the bible, which makes this book extremely biased. I suspect the only reason why this book is so highly rated is that most of its readers are Muslim sympathisers.I only give it 2 stars because of the part dealing with the bible which I found very thorough and engaging.

But to be honest, most of this content can be found in other much better written works. One of the amazing books that I have ever read.

The writer is simply revealing what's for the most time being highlighted as the false hidden truth versus the modern science facts, yet one star goes missing for few topics missed per say like 'Evolution of Human Beings' yet it's already mentioned in the Quran and he might have skipped it by chance there and the cover that highlights and unveil the truth behind Muslims piety and Bodies 'Soul' which in the whole book I don't see where that is menti One of the amazing books that I have ever read. The writer is simply revealing what's for the most time being highlighted as the false hidden truth versus the modern science facts, yet one star goes missing for few topics missed per say like 'Evolution of Human Beings' yet it's already mentioned in the Quran and he might have skipped it by chance there and the cover that highlights and unveil the truth behind Muslims piety and Bodies 'Soul' which in the whole book I don't see where that is mentioned, however this is certainly such an outstanding and marvelous work crafted. May god put mercy on his soul and all of us:)!

Maurice was paid millions of dollars by the Saudi monarchy to write a book of 'scientific miracles'. With royalties he's still earning more.It didn't matter that Maurice didn't have scientific qualifications: he just had to pluck 'miracles' out of thin air, perfunctorily link them to any vague passage in the Qur'an, took the money, and didn't even convert to Islam. He laughed all the way to the bank, and his credulous believers are still paying him.Like Keith Moore, Maurice Bucaille didn't conve Maurice was paid millions of dollars by the Saudi monarchy to write a book of 'scientific miracles'. With royalties he's still earning more.It didn't matter that Maurice didn't have scientific qualifications: he just had to pluck 'miracles' out of thin air, perfunctorily link them to any vague passage in the Qur'an, took the money, and didn't even convert to Islam. He laughed all the way to the bank, and his credulous believers are still paying him.Like Keith Moore, Maurice Bucaille didn't convert to Islam even after writing this book.