Left 4 Dead Meat Wall

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  1. Left 4 Dead Download

Man, I wish I had found this map sooner! The map is quite fun playing with friends, and it doesn't get too repetitive at all. Developers should really take advantage of butcher shops and slaughter houses in zombie games, like the meat hanging from the ceiling and the pooled blood, it's just unique and goes so well with the theme. German censorship laws caused Valve to port certain weapons from Counter-Strike: Source into the game sold in the German market. This section of the Left 4 Dead Wiki aims to assist players owning the German version of the game or who play with someone who does. There are five International.

Submitted on 5/29/2017 Review title of Unknownone of my favorite games ever madeI remember being super eager to play this, I still have my game informer with information about it. I, being a hardcore horror fan LOVE this game.

I have been a gamer for over 20 years now and as bold as this is to say, this might be my favorite video game ever. Emphasis on teamwork, variety of characters and zombies, amazing set pieces and scenarios, and replayability is through the roof! It's 2017 and I still feel the same way after all these years. I know some time has passed but one day I would love to see Left 4 Dead 3. Thanks for the sleepless hours farming headshots and the zombie genocide achievements.

Thank you Gabe, thank you Valve, and everyone else who helped make this great game! Submitted on Review title of Names VinnyOver 10 years and Still MaulingNearing the end of 2018 and Left 4 Dead is still the pinnacle for co-op shooters, especially in the Zombie genre. Frantic, difficult, tense, bursts of insane chaos all occur at a constant intense pace. Id compare it to the original gears of war or its sequel on insane mode. The Survivors are great, better than the sequel's team, still love Coach and Ellis though of course, not to mention better animations, wider field of view, better gun damage, ammo and a more simpler special infected roster.

L4D2's additions arent somethin I enjoy, the spitter is the only new infected that doesnt hamper the flow too much. The areas and setpieces of philly are wonderful too, its truly feels like we're goin thru a horror film. Finally we have 'the director' giving L4D a true near infinite replay value were many others cant. Adapting enemy and special infected spawn based on performance down to weapon spawns and items. No level is ever the same. Its been over 10 years and this gem still shines bright.

A developed by and proclaimed by its advertising as 'the you can play with your friends.' Left 4 Dead reduces the zombie genre to its absolute basics: You are one of a caught in the middle of the outbreak of a deadly that's turning people into bloodthirsty mutants. Your objective is to make your way from safe house to safe house through an area infested with these murderous creatures, and finally reach a pickup point from which to summon the cavalry to spirit you to safety.Of course, this won't be easy. You have your three pals, and due to the nature of the game, there are fairly-competent standing by for when you don't have allied players.

And don't worry about them hogging the kills: there are plenty of infected to go around. There could be a herd of thirty zombies, or just one extremely powerful mutant zombie, waiting around the next corner. The game's 'AI Director' is watching your progress and planning your next sudden encounter; play the same campaign five times and each time will be a different experience. The director drops health packs less often than you need it and spawns a horde of zombies. Almost as addictive as the Campaign mode is Versus mode, in which eight players, trading off between rounds, control either the Survivors or the dangerous: the long-tongued Smoker, the lightning-quick Hunter, the nauseous (and explosive) Boomer, and (there's another type of Special infected — the Witch, who doesn't react well to flashlights and loud noise — but like the Horde she's not actually a playable character). The goal of Versus is nominally to make it to the next safe room, but nine times out of ten, you won't.

The goal is to make it farther than the other team.The expansion pack takes it further with the ironically-titled: 'survival' is pretty much. The question is how long you and your friends can hold out against an all-out Infected onslaught before you all die. The game also received massive critical acclaim for both its Myth Arc style narrative - the parts of the story they don't tell you, as well as the interactions between the survivors - and for its, in which different aspects of gameplay combined with elements of randomness mean that every single time you play a new, funny story emerges.The game would be followed by a year after release. Leaks regarding a third installment in the franchise (along with the long-waited Half-Life 3) have been around for years, but an official confirmation of its existence remains to be seen.Please take a look at the to learn more about the characters and the page for countless.Due to the number of examples, they have been divided into categories.Not to be confused with the trope of. See also.Left 4 Dead provides examples of.: Parodied on a poster in No Mercy. The poster lists the phone number for the emergency hotline, but only the first three digits, 555, are visible.

The rest of the number is torn off,.: Mercy Hospital in the No Mercy campaign.: Nearly every campaign features one.: At least four of the campaigns feature sewers that are big enough to accommodate whole mobs of zombies for the players to fight off.: Boomers, despite their size and tendency to explode, can jump off objects from moderate heights and suffer no injuries before ambushing the survivors.: Any Survivor can become this if all but one die. The sequel even adds a mode that invokes this.: Class 1.

In-game posters published by the government indicate that the entire United States has fallen, with only a few surviving cities and towns occupied by the Military which are still standing. By the end of Left 4 Dead 2, the entire US has been abandoned by the government who now operates on a group of cruise ships controlled by the US Navy.: In Death Toll's finale at the Boathouse, you can see the city of Newburg across the River engulfed in flames and a few explosions lighting up. In Dead Air, you visit the city, and see that this is the result of bombing by the US Military. You can see distant collapsed buildings, torn skyscrapers and roads which have been ripped apart.

In Dead Center, you can see the distant skyline of Savannah in chaos and fire, whilst The Parish shows the New Orlean's skylines in flames.: You can find a reference to Exodus 9:15 ('For by now I could have stretched out my hand and struck you and your people with a plague that would have wiped you off the Earth.' ) in a saferoom in Death Toll.: In the poster for The Sacrifice.: A common occurrence when a horde spawns while the team's in a wide-open area.: Bill.: The Original and New Survivors. 'Curing the infection one bullet at a time.'

. The Angels of Death, an apparently successful gang of survivalists mentioned on several saferoom walls.: Again, Bill. Coach may count.: The military and CEDA respectively. In the comics, the military is merely useless instead.: Used a couple of times in apartment complexes.

Notably, the survivors escape a Tank in the intro by having a balcony collapse on it.: Deconstructed in Survivor graffiti, believe it or not. 'October 4th Johnny was killed by friendly fire'.: A piece of safe room graffiti in The Sacrifice is in Japanese - Louis gives the translation, but only the English half. Fluent speakers alone would be able to read aloud the characters he translates.: The final part of the comic shows Bill jumping off the bridge to restart the generator so the bridge can be fully raised. He gets ambushed by three Tanks and gets killed, but the survivors were able to outlast the horde and take the boat to the Florida Keys to spend the rest of their lives in, thanks to Bill's.: The Witch. See below.: In the No Mercy campaign, the end of the penultimate stage involves traveling twenty-five floors up an elevator where some conversation takes place.: Occasionally, you may see an entire horde (thirty or so Infected) emerge from a closet or bathroom.: Downplayed - the survivors say 'shit' a lot.: The end of each campaign has a credits roll which actually consist of statistics for the players (most infected killed, most headshots, etc.), ending with a disclaimer reading, 'X number of zombies were harmed in the making of this film.' .: The only parts of the story that are completely laid out for you are from the single 4-chapter comic ('The Sacrifice'), and the short character bios that each of the Survivors get.

Left 4 Dead Download

Francis: Hold on. I gotta give this Zombie the finger.: Left 4 Dead practically runs on this trope.: Guarding the doors and windows is all well and good, but more often than not the horde just crashes through a wall.: Like all Valve games, both Left 4 Dead games have a commentary mode, where you can play a campaign that contain commentary nodes which will play commentary audio from the developers. You're locked in Easy difficulty and zombies will ignore you. Naturally, you can't earn achievements this way.: The fourth level of No Mercy requires holding off the horde while waiting for the elevator. Subverted on the elevator ride itself; any first time player will constantly give the missing elevator panel nervous glances. The panel is intact in the sequel's port, to counter Spitters getting a cheap shot.: The special infected.: Quite a few. One of them actually kicks them out, though it's only referenced in dialog.: The only non-zombies you hear from in the game are the playable survivors, the (sometimes) unseen pilots and drivers who rescue you at the end of each campaign, the occasional psycho/weirdo, and occasional gunfire off in the distance.: It's basically 'You wake up one day, everybody except you and 3 other misfits with eccentric personality quirks are zombies.

Zombies are like. They ain't too choosy about who they attack, you know?.

Point bein', you jump into a lake fulla piranhas and you ain't gettin' attacked? Means there's a shark around.:. Francis is often belligerent towards Louis and Bill, who insult him back. The Survivors think of Crazy Church Guy as one, and for good reason considering the fact that he purposely rang the church bell and summoned a horde of zombies to attack the survivors.: Survival mode.: Done in the Sacrifice comic with Zoey and her dad.sniff. Yeah.

We always made fun of that part. The campaign itself has a bit of this, too - Bill's plan for escaping the infection is to boat to a secluded island, as he says 'As far as we know, zombies can't swim.'

.: Every Special Infected gets two of their own tunes, one that plays when they spawn, and another that plays while they're attacking a Survivor.: A regular occurrence in the rush for the rescue vehicle. With an incoming Tank that must not enter the rescue vehicle, this choice must be made often.: The setting of the 'Last Stand' campaign of Survival mode. Notably, it's the only map not properly reintroduced to L4D2.: The Infected can be lit up from somewhat understandable sources, such as Molotov cocktails and to a stretch, incendiary ammo.

However it's most obvious when the zombies toast themselves doing relatively not-deadly things such as vaulting over burn barrels or stepping on smoldering coals. Said things at their WORST would inflict minor burning and welting. The playable 'Special Infected' can be set ablaze by small sources as well, and will actively burn for up to an entire minute (depending on HP) before suddenly dropping dead; rendered to a charred heap. Strangely, incendiary ammo will only last for a few seconds before being put out.: It's not uncommon for the basic infected to be graphically dismembered by a shotgun blast, a few stray bullets, or being bashed with a rifle butt.: The Church guy; ' Better safe than sorry.'

Left 4 dead meat wall

.: The Tank's grown too big for a shirt, but his pants are practically undamaged.: Safe room graffiti really acts like this, although people who leave the safe room usually don't return. Ever. Referenced in one of the safe room graffiti, wherein an.: In the comic The Sacrifice, the soldiers are quite bad at fighting zombies. If can kill hundreds of infected with hand-made weapons in the worst possible places (airport, hospital, church), do you think that trained soldiers in a base with twenty feet high walls, barbed wires, artillery, choke points and choppers can do the same? Of course they can't, they're soldiers. Partially justified in that the soldiers were under a communications blackout and located in an extremely remote location where it is unlikely they would have any opportunities to gain knowledge about the infection.

Justified in that they aren't immune, and so probably wouldn't have as much first-hand, close-up experience dealing with the infected as four people who fought through what was apparently the most populated infected zones there was.: While the closets are not hidden, several contain absolutely nothing except respawned. However, sometimes a Horde may spawn in it. Also, some walls are fragile and allow zombies to burst through them.

Since the AI Director chooses which closets are used, exploring players will find empty dead ends that could have been monster closets. Hordes of 30 zombies spawning out of a closet is pretty much one of the main game mechanics. At least in the spirit of this trope, though, as you play Left 4 Dead or, you will encounter plenty of zombie configurations that will make you stop and ask, 'How the hell did this happen?

How did these guys get here? Why did they stay?' . It can also lead to unintentional hilarity when a witch spawns in a closet. Open door, toss in molotov, close door, wait for the screaming to stop. Repeat as needed.

As the Versus game mode is, it isn't unheard-of for particularly sneaky or particularly evil players to take advantage of small, ignored closets by sitting and waiting until Survivors pass by.or coming up behind them from what they thought was a safe zone.: The 'Cr0wned' achievement, earned by headshotting a Witch, makes three references at once — the crown, or the top of your head (and the injuring thereof); ' an opponent; and crones, or witches.: Musical warning is given for when a horde appears, a tank appears, or when a witch is nearby. It also plays softly whenever any special infected are nearby, making those who know each one's theme music able to know one's nearby even without hearing them or seeing them.: 'Skin of our Teeth', a fast-paced, intense tune that plays when the rescue vehicle arrives.: Francis has a tendency to call his team by pet names on occasion, such as calling Louis 'Louie.' He'll also call the Hunter cowardly names like 'little wussy' and 'sweatshirt-wearing sissy.' .: The game pretty much shuffles the Horde's character models at random. The sequel give so much variety of appearances for individual parts of the zombie that the chances of seeing the exact same zombie twice is maybe 1:1000.: Parodied, 'X zombies were harmed in the making of this film.'

.: Usable vehicles are always fuel-powered, no exceptions. And they never have any fuel in them, either.:; while explosions from grenade launchers, pipe bombs, propane/oxygen tanks and will deal lethal damage to any infected within range, they'll hurt survivors for maybe 5-10 damage at most on.: Played straight and averted. The survivors call them zombies, but subtitles consistently refer to them as 'infected' regardless of the dialogue. The military is fine using the term 'walking dead', which would be abbreviated as 'WD' and then transliterated as 'Whiskey Deltas'.: The usual reaction the player characters have when a Tank appears. /: Bill's death, fighting three tanks. Only seen in the comic, though it can be played out to some extent in the Sacrifice campaign.: Literally.

Nothing will get you killed faster than leaving your fellow survivors behind and trying to Rambo your way through the next level alone.: Used for how a zombie would see the world. Players taking the role of the zombies in VS mode will see the world completely brown.: Church Guy's safe room. Don't worry, we're cops!. Francis hates everything. Current count: Vans, Trainyards, Hospitals, the woods, Lawyers, Doctors, Ayn Rand, tunnels, stairs, elevators, planes, mazes, barns, helicopters, turnpikes, cops, water, Canada, Canadians, Zombies, Infected, His Traveling companions, islands, etc.: Go ahead, play some Midnight Riders at the wedding. You know you want to.: Francis, when he is attacked by a Hunter or when downed.: Several of the campaign posters.: A touch in the opening cutscene for the first game., considering Versus Mode.

The screen will also shake if a is closing in on you.: Oh, Valve, you sly dog. Francis: Oh yeah. I love steam.: In-universe example—Ellis makes a suggestion to Rochelle that her and Francis should double date with him and Zoey.: Rochelle and Coach don't mind pushing Ellis towards Zoey. Though even he will sometimes go along with it too.: The second level of 'No Mercy' goes through a subway. It is filled with zombies, caved-in tunnels, crashed train cars, dead bodies and signs that it was being used by refugees.: All of the campaigns in the first game start with the discovery of an evacuation point and end with the survivors successfully escaping. The developers originally planned to have the campaigns lead in to one another, after the survivors escape but have their escape method fail somehow, but then found that it was too depressing to succeed only to learn how that you'd ultimately failed. Averted in the second game, where the campaigns lead directly into each other.

In addition, Crash Course ties together No Mercy and Death Toll, and The Sacrifice comic confirms that all the campaigns from the first game are tied to one another (and, of course, tie into. Well, The Sacrifice and The Passing.).: In Death Toll, you must lower the sewer bridge to get across, causing an alarm and a horde, and you must lower the forklift, causing it to noisily smash some glass and attract a horde. And in the ported version of Dead Air, you must walk through the metal detector in the penultimate stage, setting it off and triggering, you guessed it, a horde.: in one of Rochelle's random speeches when you come across a medkit. She'll claim there's no medkits here.: The Green Flu doesn't kill its victims, so this applies to all the Infected.: Averted, the survivors don't mind being covered in zombie guts. Or fishing pills out of urinals.: The entire continental US has been overrun with infected hordes, the US Military survives with only a fraction of its intact forces and no long-term plans for rebuilding society, let alone restoring order on the mainland.: Due to the genetic nature of immunity, men have a 3:1 chance of being immune compared to women, which is why there is only one girl in both sets of survivors.

Assuming humanity survives this Infection, expect to come into play. Averted in the Arcade Port. There are two guys (Yusuke and Blake) and two girls (Hirose and Sara).: Play the game for a good hour or so. Close your eyes. See the zombie horde rushing towards you?.: Bill's reaction in the intro movie after a car alarm goes off.

This is gonna get bad.: Louis in the first game. Averted in the second game with Coach and Rochelle. The second game takes place in the American South (starting in Georgia and ending in Louisiana) where there are a larger number of Black Americans.: All of the playable survivors are asymptomatic carriers for the virus.: The Charger is clearly saying something, but no one can really agree on what it is.: Implied. The military takes Bill and Zoey — an old man and a young woman — out of the cell (rather than Louis and Francis) to be examined by the doctor. The doctor's bodyguard pokes them with his gun one too many times.: The military and government in general is full of them. They imprison survivors (actually carriers) without providing information to them about what happened, execute crowds of panicked civilians and bomb entire cities regardless of whether or not there are still survivors in them.: The loose ends of the people that rescued the L4D1 survivors are tied up in the Sacrifice comic, they all turn or can't stand the survivors, L4D2 shows or explains what happens to all in the next campaign.: Although not in the game itself, has stated that Left 4 Dead's survivors do make it to the Florida Keys via boat as they planned after the end of The Sacrifice. They probably won't be giving us any further explanation on what happens to any of the survivors for a very, very long time.

Left 4 Dead 2's survivors are transported to a fleet of cruise ships by the US Navy at the end of the Parish.: At one point in 'The Sacrifice', the survivors' path is blocked by a boxcar with a Tank in it, and someone has to open it up. Needless to say, no one's particularly thrilled at the prospect.: Left. Call of duty free download for pc.

No explanation should be necessary.: Duh.: How individual zombies walk until they see you.: Boomers. And their puke attracts more zombies!.: The opening movie does a superb job explaining how to not die.: Specifically Architectural Engineering; some of the maps feature buildings with impractical or outright impossible layouts for normal use.

The offices in Death Toll's Riverside (the ones immediately before the street crescendo event) have no interior doors in them. The players enter and exit through a balcony on either side, so how would the office workers normally enter?.: The obligatory scoped weapon is named the 'Hunting Rifle'. In Pennsylvania, where the game takes place, hunting with a semi-auto is illegal.: The intro cinematic shows all the survivors using guns that they don't start with. But during that intro, they either drop them, run out of ammo, or are disarmed, and so when the game opens they're just toting pistols. Additionally, this happens at the opening of each campaign as well.: In the Sacrifice comic, one of the soldiers who loses his mask is immediately abandoned by his group, and begins to turn, but when the survivors encounter him, he's still capable of using his gun.

He appears when no zombies are attacking, just after Louis made his analogy about 'If the piranhas aren't biting, it means there's a shark around'. However, this sergeant is not the 'shark' - Bill knocks him to the ground easily. The 'shark' is the tank that knocks the guy's head off as it runs after the survivors.: The Crash Course campaign features a safe room with a wall covered in a massive poem. And equally- classy replies to it such as 'QQ' and 'Cool story, bro!' .: The Sacrifice comic zigzags between this and more snarks per mile than the games.: After being downed and revived twice, you see the entire world in black and white, complete with blurry peripheral vision and red item highlights. If you're not healed, you will die if you're downed a third time.

The developers included this because playtesters were frustrated when inexperienced players were repeatedly going down and delaying the group.: In order to halt the spread of the infection and save what ever non-infected people they can, the military in made it their policy to gun down carriers (people who don't turn but can spread ) by the hundreds, maybe thousands. Whether this makes them or is open to debate.: The.: Found among the apartments in No Mercy is cereal.

In the same campaign, the train station has ads for 'Orange Box Juice'.: If your character steps off a ledge, he or she will automatically dangle off the ledge, holding on with their hands for dear life for as long as they can until a teammate helps them.: In The Sacrifice campaign.:. High Voltage Software's The Grinder looked to several people like ' Left 4 Dead Wii' upon its first announcement. It's still an FPS on the Wii, but the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions have changed formats to a top-down shooter, making it more like a for High Voltage's own. is basically ' Left 4 Dead as a crime simulator' - which Valve and Overkill have run with, going so far as to make a mission for PAYDAY actually set in Mercy Hospital.

is just as blatantly influenced as Payday, with the special enemies, inventory slots and health mechanics practically copy-pasted from Left 4 Dead. Again, critics mostly agree that this isn't a bad thing.

Tired of waiting for Left 4 Dead 3? Then try, which is also a co-op squad shooter in a.: Being a Source-engine game, there was the obligatory deluge of custom campaigns and replacements for models and sounds.

Left 4 Dead in fact originated as a special game setup for (bots with knives only), which itself originated as a mod for.: Being a team-based game, it is extremely easy to grief other players. Even if the griefer gets kicked, they can just join a new game and do it again to others.:. If you don't aim wisely, you'll find yourself running out of ammo very fast even on the lower difficulties. Luckily for you, the ammunition dumps are infinite if somewhat rare, and you get up to two trusty pistols with infinite ammo that work nicely against pretty much everything except witches and tanks. Furthermore, on sub-Expert difficulties, the Director designs the drops so that you always get what you need to take down whatever he's about to throw at you, giving players an advance warning for the horde that's about to come.

During Versus mode, it is impossible for all four players on the Infected team to get 'pinning' Special Infected (Smokers, Hunters, and in 2 Jockeys and Chargers). This is so that a well-coordinated team can't instantly incapacitate every survivor at once. will not apply if your shot also hit an Infected. This means you don't need to worry about being too precise when it comes to killing Special Infected that have a Survivor pinned, for example.: The Special Infected are quite smart and are very wary of the presence of the players. Hunters and Boomers will always try to hide around corners or behind thick shrubs so that they can ambush the players. The two may also tag team players if a player is caught by a Smoker. Smokers will attempt to run away if their attack fails and Hunters will escape by repeatedly jumping away if they are shot at from a distance.

Tanks can try to avoid fire the player makes, assuming the player sets the fire off too early. While they can be quite stupid at times, it doesn't happen too often.

Hunter and Smokers will occasionally retreat if spotted, and try to get to places that the survivors can't reach easily before attacking.: Although not too horrible, the Survivor AI has many infamous quirks. This is a great reason to play the game with actual people. Boomers sometimes hide behind street lights & most zombies sometimes swerve away from their target at the last second to try to break through a door that isn't in the way. They'll also run through fire to get to you.: Used to find teammates as Survivors and used by Infected to find Survivors health and location.: Shoving an idle common from behind is a.: The Director in Versus mode. Guard: You're trying to get me angry so we'll come in there, and you can over power us and escape, aren't you?Francis: What? Okay, fine, yes.: Jumping on a common infected's head is instantly fatal.

Doesn't apply to special infected. Physically being on top of a zombie counts as a stomp, thus an instant kill, which leads to a hilarious moment where you can literally walk over a zombie lying on the ground and kill it from just stepping on it. If you're on a raised position and zombies are climbing up to you, you can drop down and string two or three Goomba Stomps in a row.

Standing on top of a ladder which zombies are trying to get up will cause them to get stuck at the top. Jumping will then instantly kill all of them.: keeps you away from a zombie breeding ground and to keep you moving along to your safe house.: Per, you're guaranteed to come across them in public matches. Playing as the infected is basically griefing the survivors The griefers are getting their kicks from the game itself most of the time!.: Medkits restore 80% of the damage you've taken—if you're at 90 it will give you 8, and if you're at 1 it will give you 80. As such, there are times when using them is seriously inefficient. The place this is spelled out in the game is nowhere.: Expert mode is. Only experts can expect to survive.: Zig-zagged. The guns have flashlights attached to them, but that doesn't stop you from still having a light, perfectly centered on the screen at that, when wielding non-gun items like medkits and grenades.: Every single type of Infected has their own distinct sound/musical cues to warn you of their arrival, including a few who will switch from low growls to all-out screams or roars as soon as it has one of the Survivors in its line of sight.: Literally.

Whenever one of the guys die, they're found later trapped in locked closets (or respawn in the next saferoom). It was meant to reflect how survivors get rescued in zombie films. Invoked. Averted in the final chapter of each campaign after the rescue vehicle has been summoned.

Dying means you get.: This is usually the best way to deal with the Tank, by and/or pumping it full of lead while evading it. Just make sure that you're healthy enough that you can run fast, and that there's room to run.: Hitboxes for hunters move in front of them when they pounce, which makes them extraordinarily difficult to knock out of the air with even the slightest bit of lag.: Occurs in all crescendos and finales(except a couple in the Parish) as well as survival mode.: Meta example. The best players exhibit this, being aware of all the directions from which infected could attack and keeping their eyes (and ears) open for incoming specials. Players that turn on subtitles can get alerts for specials before they actually see or hear them. In comparison, the AI bots (as mentioned above) are with a horrific case of.: Your vision becomes with red outlines for items if you're incapped twice without using a medkit.

Getting hit with Boomer bile turns your screen green and blurry. Not a good thing when that same bile acts as zombie bait.: Only the Infected in Versus mode will run into them, and if you get close enough they stop being invisible. Instead they become labeled 'wrong way!'

.: The Director is actually a rather well working AI system. Depending on the difficulty, it will decide when to place more zombies to hinder your efforts. On Expert difficulty, it just wants you dead and doesn't pull any punches.: The end of 'The Church' in Death Toll. However, this is rarely ever a problem since. Contrary to extraordinarily persistent rumors, it is not possible for Church Guy to become a Tank or Witch.

It is, however, entirely possible for a Tank or Witch to spawn in the safe room on any map. This is disastrous with AI Survivors, as being near a safe room triggers a behavior override that has them hustle into the safe room door.: The AI director.: Done subtly: although most of the guns are not named, zooming in on the gun models reveal they are made by fictional companies (example, the pistols in this game are made by 'Finleyville Armory').: The minigun, which can shred oncoming hordes like no other, is never positioned so it can effectively cover more than two of the generally five or so directions that zombies can come from.: Pistols have infinite ammunition. This is for gameplay reasons; they don't do as much damage as regular guns, and they're the only weapons you can use while incapacitated.

The creators also didn't want to ever leave you TOTALLY defenseless if you run out of ammo, either.: Bill can be seen doing this with a molotov cocktail in the trailer for 'The Sacrifice'.: You get the odd mounted minigun here and there. It's set up so that the gunner will have to be covered by the other Survivors, though.: All characters can find and dual wield a second pistol for extra ammunition in the magazines.: The pipe bomb is one, - its red light and high-pitched beeping, making it less a question of where to throw them and more a question of when.: Molotov cocktails and gas cans. Very effective against all kinds of Infected; Common Infected die instantly when set on fire, while Special Infected - including Tanks and Witches - will eventually burn to death. Note, however, that being on fire doesn't stop Specials from attacking, and the Hunter.: Lovely, lovely, molotov cocktails.: Applies to every weapon. Around release, however, there was a common misconception that this was averted by mag-fed weapons (read: everything but the shotguns) losing any ammo left in the current magazine when they were reloaded.

Note The gist of it is that, when you begin reloading a magazine-fed weapon, the ammo count in that mag is immediately dropped to zero, so then once a player starts reloading they have to take the time to let the animation play out before they can start shooting again. What players initially failed to notice is that the remaining ammo was re-added to their reserves.: Pipe bombs produce this effect in the original game, rather than gibs. This was due to the performance issues of having 20 or so commons turn to gibs at once. In the sequel, pipe bombs now turn infected into gibs.: Pistols.: Averted.

The shotguns are a viable weapon choice, even in open areas.: Every primary weapon, melee weapon and medkit slot item, but not pistols (they get holsters), pill slot items, and grenades. If you examine the models in the sequel, some characters have a small rope belt that the smaller items are attached to.